

As I have watched, listened, and read the news regarding Trumps #MuslimBan & the repercussions of this EO, i refuse to remain silent on this issue. Both my parents immigrated from Sudan to the U.S. when they weren’t too much older than I am now. They sought to create a new life in a land that accepted immigrants, that was a beacon of diversity. They established the privileged life that my brothers and I have today as U.S. citizens. They struggled for years to finally gain their Green Cards and finally become naturalized. Today, I read about the Green Card holders (who continue to hear misinformation) & residents that aren’t able to return to their homes, to their lives. This #MuslimBan is not only unconstitutional, but it is cowardly. America prides itself on being the land of the free & the home of the brave, but these actions on behalf of the Trump administration is anything but brave. This being said, I am in awe of the protests nationwide. I am proud and uplifted seeing people of all colors, of all religions coming together to stop this act of hate. Love does Trump hate. Unity Trumps Hate. We are Stronger Together. They may to ban us & threaten to build a wall (for now), but our voices will be heard. To those attending protests in the U.S., thank you. For those being affected, or whose families are being directly affected, contact your lawyer or reach out to any immigration lawyer, some available at major airports (JFK, IAD). Please donate to the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) if you can, and please please please contact your lawmakers, join protests, and make your voice heard. Stand up for what is right, for your muslim brothers and sisters, and stand up for American Values #NoBanNoWall

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